Our mission is to foster an inclusive community that supports mental health professionals in the education for and practice of psychoanalytic therapies in the Western Pennsylvania region.

The work of the Western Pennsylvania Community for Psychoanalytic Therapies

The Western Pennsylvania Community for Psychoanalytic Therapies is a volunteer, member-run nonprofit organization that provides education in psychoanalytic psychotherapies through the collective clinical, educational, and financial investment of the Community’s active member faculty.


What We Do

The Community’s main educational energies focus on offering longitudinal one- and two-year programs (Contemporary Psychoanalytic Concepts in Everyday Life and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapies in Practice) for working clinicians as well as professional development programming such as meetings, lecture series, and workshops to active members and the broader community.

All our educational programming prioritizes teaching a diversity of original ideas while providing contemporary lenses through which to engage clinical work that is responsive to the complexities of the present moment: individually, collectively, socially.  We foreground and try to contend with the essentially disruptive quality of the psychoanalytic endeavor.

We are committed to the belief that professional development is a lifelong learning process, that our work of becoming is always unfolding, and that we learn not only from the older generations but also from the younger generations who will one day be our community leaders.

Upcoming Programs

September 15, 2025- April 20, 2026
Contemporary Psychoanalytic Concepts in Everyday Life, 1-year educational programming series
Classes are held in-person the third Monday of each month.

Applications open until Sept. 1, 2025, or until class fills.

Beginning September 2025
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy In Practice Two-Year Longitudinal Program

Applications preferred by August 1, 2025


Get In Touch

Reach us at – inquiries@wpacommunity.org